Discover the Dike route Loosdrecht

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31 km
52 m

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5641 views | Public | Dutch

Last verified: 12 April 2024
Translated by Azure

Description by the author

This route follows the cycle junctions 7,26,28,27,84,25,7.
Starting point: Oud Loosdrechtsedijk 198, Loosdrecht.

This route takes you on a voyage of discovery along the Loosdrechtse and Breukeleveense Plassen. This route offers you an experience where you can enjoy agricultural, sporty, active and delicious farms, a fortress, a castle, farmlands, water, sports and old crafts. There is a varied range of comfortable accommodations and cozy food and beverage options for every budget. Visit a gallery, stroll through beautiful gardens or laze by the water. Educational excursions and cultural excursions are also not missing. On the square of the starting point is a small safe and clean beach. A wonderful place to relax after the bike ride, if you wish.

Places visited: Oud Loosdrecht, Nieuw Loosdrecht, Breukelen, Loenen

Type of route: Water route

Details: A varied route with many possibilities along the way.

For all routes in the beautiful Gooi & Vecht region and further tourist information, go to the official tourist office site of the region:

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